The Lake House of ÚLfljótsvatn
Hús fyrir sumarsjálfboðaliða – gistiheimili – vinnustofudvöl fyrir rithöfunda og listamenn að vetri til
Land fyrir endurheimt skóglendis
Our short-term volunteering program "Creating an exciting forest for youth" welcomes eight individuals from July 22nd to August 4th.
The call for application is closed.
The call for candidates is open on the European Youth Portal. Application deadline: June 30th 2024, midnight.
Applicants must be between 18 and 30 years old.
Applicants must register themselves and apply directly on on the European Youth Portal project page
Applicants can be both Icelandic ("in-country" volunteering) and European ("cross-border" volunteering).
Covered by the program:
Travel costs (from 10 to 7999 km).
Food & accommodation
Working clothes & equipment
European Insurance (except for Icelandic volunteers)
Daily pocket money
Participants help us increase the educational aspect of the scout forest of Úlfljótsvatn and its accessibility to offer an exciting and informative outdoor area for the many children, teenagers and young adult volunteers who come to us every year. They will be helping us with a variety of tasks such as tree planting, branch cutting, making signs, path-making, and learning how to use local material to build recreational infrastructures.
Úlfljótsvatn is where the IFA and the Scouts of Iceland raise awareness among children and young adults on the topic of sustainability and the environment.
The forest in Úlfljótsvatn was planted in the 1990s by the Scouts of Úlfljótsvatn Forestry Association with the ambition to recreate a shelter of biodiversity and bring back vegetation. It has now grown a lot, and we want to create exciting recreational areas for everybody.
Applicants must be interested in the topics of environmental improvement, tree planting, and previous knowledge and/or experience in the outdoors is appreciated.
The applicants must also be in good physical shape, motivated to work outside in all kinds of weather, and able to live collectively with other people.
Experience or interest in scouting in appreciated but not necessary.
If you are interested in this opportunity or would like further information, you can send us an email at
More information can be found about the ESC program on the European Youth portal and in this web-article.
This project is a collaboration between:
the Icelandic Forestry Association
the Úlfljótsvatn Scout and Adventure Centre where the project takes place.
The Lake House of Úlfljótsvatn
Grafningsvegur Efri
805 Selfoss